Install Photoprism in Truenas Jail

Install Photoprism in Truenas Jail



For quite a while I’ve been looking for a self-hosted photo & video gallery.
I tried things like:

Yet, none of them made the cut.

Then, I came across this Ask HN: Alternatives to Google Photos? thread on Hacker News. I checked out self-hosted projects mentioned in this comment .

Photoprism got my attention as it offers automatic image classification based on Google TensorFlow. I gave it a spin by following Getting started instructions for Docker Compose . Shortly after I found a FreeBSD port by Ju Huo .

Since, I’m not a FreeBSD veteran I followed pinsyd instructions on how to install Photoprism in TrueNas 12 jail.

These instructions are great, although, I had to make 3 changes.

1. Change UID & GID

After pulling photoprism-freebsd-port repo, I’ve changed UID & GID in ~/photoprism-freebsd-port/files/ to 1001.
This was to match them with the account I use to manage my photos.

2. Apply patch #1

When I ran make config-recursive && make install, I got a “duplicate zlib symbol” error:

bazel-out/freebsd-opt/bin/external/com_google_protobuf/src: warning: directory does not exist.
ERROR: /root/photoprism-freebsd-port/work/photoprism-b1856b9d45502ba1a35e1d2ae6ca12fd17223895/docker/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.15.2/tensorflow/BUILD:563:1: Linking of rule '//' failed (Exit 1)
ld: error: duplicate symbol: adler32
>>> defined at adler32.c
>>>            adler32.pic.o:(adler32) in archive bazel-out/host/bin/external/zlib/libzlib.pic.a
>>> defined at adler32.c
>>>            adler32.pic.o:(.text.adler32+0x0) in archive bazel-out/host/bin/external/zlib_archive/libzlib.pic.a

After a bit of reading I’ve manually applied following patch to ~/photoprism-freebsd-port/work/.bazel/dc2e79cdf405c755f2f8c97eebbe740f/external/com_google_protobuf/BUILD

Basically, I’ve changed:

ZLIB_DEPS = ["@zlib//:zlib"]


ZLIB_DEPS = ["@zlib_archive//:zlib"]


    name = "protobuf_headers",
    hdrs = glob(["src/**/*.h""]),
    includes = ["src/"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],


    name = "protobuf_headers",
    hdrs = glob(["src/**/*.h", "src/**/*.inc"]),
    includes = ["src/"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

3. Apply patch #2

Then, I’ve applied a second patch described in this tensoflow issue .

The repo.bzl file was located ~/photoprism-freebsd-port/work/photoprism-b1856b9d45502ba1a35e1d2ae6ca12fd17223895/docker/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.15.2/third_party/repo.bzl

I’ve replaced:

def _apply_patch(ctx, patch_file):
    if _is_windows(ctx):
        patch_command = ["patch", "-p1", "-d", ctx.path("."), "-i", ctx.path(patch_file)]
        patch_command = ["git", "apply", "-v", ctx.path(patch_file)]
    cmd = _wrap_bash_cmd(ctx, patch_command)


def _apply_patch(ctx, patch_file):
    if not _is_windows(ctx) and not ctx.which("patch"):
        fail("patch command is not found, please install it")
    cmd = _wrap_bash_cmd(
        ["patch", "-p1", "-d", ctx.path("."), "-i", ctx.path(patch_file)],

Success 🎉

Once patching was done, I re-ran make install and after a looooong while the build finished successfully.
I had further issues with finishing off the installation.